They need your support
It’s so easy to be kind. Just imagine yourself in the place of another person
They need support
Fundraiser is completed
Cerebral palsy
The boy has cerebral palsy. A severe diagnosis was made at the age of two. The cause of the disease is premature birth. For six years, the Hanali family has been trying to make life easier for their son
Gathered: 376,601 ₽ of 375,780 ₽
Fundraiser is completed
Cerebral palsy, epilepsy
5-year-old Safiya does not sit, does not walk. Safiya smiles in all the photos. But she had to endure so much by her 5 years!
Gathered: 300,126 ₽ of 300,000 ₽
Fundraiser is completed
Cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis
4-year-old Said does not walk, does not speak. The diagnosis of cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis was made early. By the age of five months, the boy did not develop, the parents sounded the alarm, conducted an examination
Gathered: 310,683 ₽ of 300,000 ₽
Who have already been helped
All the list
Cerebral palsy
Gathered: 376,601 ₽
Cerebral palsy, epilepsy
Gathered: 300,126 ₽
Cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis
Gathered: 310,683 ₽
Gathered: 74,407 ₽
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