
Fundraiser for Magomed

Psycho speech delayed, mild autism

Mom, dad, give-give! These are the only words that 2-year-old Magomed has mastered.⁣ During childbirth, the baby's brain was severely damaged due to oxygen starvation. When Patimat began to fully examine her son, she decided to leave the region.⁣⁣⁣

In one of the Moscow centers, the initial diagnosis was confirmed. Psycho speech delayed, mild autism - now it will take a long time to work with this. But Patimat knows that the slightest delay threatens to roll back in development.⁣

The nighttime EEG scan has already shown abnormalities in the functioning of the brain, and an urgent course of correction is required. Patimat plans to go to Astrakhan on the recommendation of doctors. But only if funds allow.

Patimat and her husband have 2 children. Her husband is a handyman, she is a beautician. The income is small, a lot goes to pay for the apartment and current expenses. Therefore, they will not have time to collect the required amount by the deadline. They need some help! Are we ready?⁣

Charitable Foundation "Insan" announces a fee for Gamzatov Magomed in the amount of 114150 rubles for rehabilitation at the Medical Center Rehabcenter (Astrakhan).

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Необходимо: 114 115 р.
Собрано: 114 115 р. из 114 115 р.

«Господь людей! Освободи от болезни, исцели этого человека, потому что только Ты даешь выздоровление. Нет больше исцеления, кроме того, которое Ты даруешь. Дай такое исцеление, которое искоренило бы болезнь».

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